Središče ob Dravi, Slovenia Weather

Current: 8.23°C/46.81°F, Wind SW at 2.77 km/h, 62% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain

Središče ob Dravi,  Weather
(Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash)

Current conditions

Updated: 04:46 AM Saturday 05 October 2024
°C °F

Condition: Broken Clouds

Pressure: 1,015 hPa

Sea level: 1,015 hPa

Temperature: 8.23°C

Cloud: 73%

Humidity: 62%

Wind: WNW 1.98 km/h

Visibility: 10,000 m

Weather forecast

04 Oct
Heavy Intensity Rain
05 Oct
Light Rain
06 Oct
Light Rain
07 Oct
Clear Sky
08 Oct
Light Rain
Hourly forecast today:
05:00 AM
8° / 10°
8° / 10°
Broken Clouds
62% 2.77 km/h
06:00 AM
9° / 10°
9° / 10°
Broken Clouds
68% 1.37 km/h
07:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Broken Clouds
75% 2.38 km/h
08:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
81% 2.59 km/h
09:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
88% 3.28 km/h
10:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
93% 3.42 km/h
11:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
93% 3.17 km/h
12:00 PM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
94% 2.84 km/h
13:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
93% 3.56 km/h
14:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
93% 3.42 km/h
15:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
94% 5.98 km/h
16:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
95% 7.63 km/h
17:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
93% 6.01 km/h
18:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
92% 4.43 km/h
19:00 PM
12° / 12°
12° / 12°
Overcast Clouds
84% 2.52 km/h
20:00 PM
12° / 12°
12° / 12°
Overcast Clouds
80% 3.13 km/h
21:00 PM
12° / 12°
12° / 12°
Overcast Clouds
84% 4.43 km/h
22:00 PM
12° / 12°
12° / 12°
Overcast Clouds
87% 6.55 km/h
23:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
91% 4.36 km/h

30 Day Averages and Extremes

  • Average high 14.39°C
  • Average low 7.85°C
  • Hottest day (13 October 2024) 19.64°C
  • Coldest day (31 October 2024) 2.86°C
  • Average humidity 75.1%
  • Days with precipitation 9 days
  • Highest precipitation 17.67 mm (04 October 2024)

Yesterday's Data

  • Max: 12°C
  • Min: 9°C
  • Total Precipitation: 17.67 mm

Temperature and possibility of rain in Središče ob Dravi over the next 12 hours

Temperature and possibility of rain in Središče ob Dravi in the coming days

Rainfall in Središče ob Dravi in the coming days

Središče ob Dravi Climate Summary

Središče ob Dravi features a Marine west coast, warm summer (Köppen classification: Cfb), with an average annual temperature of 12.74ºC (54.93ºF), which is about 0.94% higher than the national average for Slovenia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 106.1 millimeters (4.18 inches) of rainfall, spread across 143.91 rainy days, accounting for 39.43% of the year.

Longitude 46.3959282
Latitude 16.2704915
Yearly high temperature 15.8ºC (60.44ºF)
Yearly low temperature 7.11ºC (44.8ºF)
Hottest month August 27.94ºC (82.29ºF)
Coldest month February -0.82ºC (30.52ºF)
Yearly precip 106.1mm (4.18in)
Days with rainfall 143.91 days (39.43%)
Driest month April (70.52%)
Wettest month May (76.8%)

Weather averages by month

Month High / Low (°C) Rain
January 3.27° / -1.72° 10.27 days
February 4.84° / -0.82° 12.55 days
March 11.14° / 3.25° 10.18 days
April 17.01° / 6.85° 12.09 days
May 19.94° / 9.84° 19.64 days
June 24.82° / 13.92° 16.73 days
July 27.35° / 15.37° 14.0 days
August 27.94° / 15.26° 10.18 days
September 21.85° / 11.54° 11.36 days
October 16.09° / 7.6° 8.91 days
November 10.24° / 4.21° 9.09 days
December 5.09° / 0.04° 8.91 days

Središče ob Dravi's weather

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the hottest month in Središče ob Dravi?

August has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 27.94ºC) and February are the coolest (daily mean of -0.82ºC).

2. What should I wear in Središče ob Dravi today?

For today's cool weather in Središče ob Dravi, with temperatures between 9ºC to 12ºC (48.2ºF to 53.6ºF), you should consider wearing:
- Light scarf or wrap
- Long-sleeve top or shirt
- Knit hat (optional for cooler mornings)
- Thin gloves (optional for early mornings or late evenings)

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Air quality


Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk

  • CO 243.66
  • NH3 1.41
  • NO 0
  • NO2 8.05
  • O3 41.84
  • PM10 2.63
  • PM25 1.61
  • SO2 0.13

Sunrise / Sunset

11:57 AM
23:29 PM