Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah, Slovenia Weather

Current: 11.21°C/52.18°F, Wind SW at 3.6 km/h, 91% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain

Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah,  Weather
(Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash)

Current conditions

Updated: 03:45 AM Saturday 05 October 2024
°C °F

Condition: Overcast Clouds

Pressure: 1,015 hPa

Sea level: 1,015 hPa

Temperature: 10.76°C

Cloud: 98%

Humidity: 91%

Wind: WSW 3.53 km/h

Visibility: 10,000 m

Weather forecast

03 Oct
Moderate Rain
04 Oct
Moderate Rain
05 Oct
Light Rain
06 Oct
Light Rain
07 Oct
Broken Clouds
Hourly forecast today:
04:00 AM
9° / 11°
9° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
91% 3.6 km/h
05:00 AM
9° / 11°
9° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
90% 3.24 km/h
06:00 AM
9° / 10°
9° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
90% 3.1 km/h
07:00 AM
9° / 10°
9° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
90% 1.76 km/h
08:00 AM
9° / 10°
9° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
90% 1.4 km/h
09:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
91% 1.4 km/h
10:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
91% 1.37 km/h
11:00 AM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
91% 0.86 km/h
12:00 PM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
92% 1.4 km/h
13:00 PM
9° /
9° /
Overcast Clouds
91% 2.02 km/h
14:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
91% 2.88 km/h
15:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
89% 3.2 km/h
16:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
90% 4.5 km/h
17:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Light Rain
92% 4.0 km/h
18:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
91% 3.74 km/h
19:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
87% 3.85 km/h
20:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Overcast Clouds
85% 4.1 km/h
21:00 PM
11° / 11°
11° / 11°
Light Rain
92% 4.61 km/h
22:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
93% 4.36 km/h
23:00 PM
10° / 10°
10° / 10°
Overcast Clouds
92% 3.92 km/h

30 Day Averages and Extremes

  • Average high 15.07°C
  • Average low 7.45°C
  • Hottest day (12 October 2024) 23.46°C
  • Coldest day (17 October 2024) 3.01°C
  • Average humidity 72.87%
  • Days with precipitation 9 days
  • Highest precipitation 36.08 mm (03 October 2024)

Yesterday's Data

  • Max: 11°C
  • Min: 10°C
  • Total Precipitation: 36.08 mm

Temperature and possibility of rain in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah over the next 12 hours

Temperature and possibility of rain in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah in the coming days

Rainfall in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah in the coming days

Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah Climate Summary

Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah features a Marine west coast, warm summer (Köppen classification: Cfb), with an average annual temperature of 11.8ºC (53.24ºF), which is about 0.0% lower than the national average for Slovenia. Annually, the city experiences approximately 182.81 millimeters (7.2 inches) of rainfall, spread across 187.38 rainy days, accounting for 51.34% of the year.

Longitude 46.5189747
Latitude 15.9498262
Yearly high temperature 15.14ºC (59.25ºF)
Yearly low temperature 5.27ºC (41.49ºF)
Hottest month August 26.1ºC (78.98ºF)
Coldest month February -3.56ºC (25.59ºF)
Yearly precip 182.81mm (7.2in)
Days with rainfall 187.38 days (51.34%)
Driest month January (84.81%)
Wettest month May (79.57%)

Weather averages by month

Month High / Low (°C) Rain
January 3.55° / -4.11° 12.0 days
February 4.78° / -3.56° 13.82 days
March 10.66° / 0.44° 13.45 days
April 16.29° / 4.33° 15.82 days
May 19.12° / 7.95° 23.73 days
June 23.72° / 12.93° 22.36 days
July 25.86° / 14.85° 22.82 days
August 26.1° / 14.79° 16.82 days
September 20.78° / 10.81° 14.55 days
October 15.62° / 5.56° 10.73 days
November 10.02° / 1.64° 10.64 days
December 5.16° / -2.33° 10.64 days

Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah's weather

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the hottest month in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah?

August has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 26.1ºC) and February are the coolest (daily mean of -3.56ºC).

2. What should I wear in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah today?

For today's cool weather in Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih Goricah, with temperatures between 8ºC to 11ºC (46.4ºF to 51.8ºF), you should consider wearing:
- Light scarf or wrap
- Long-sleeve top or shirt
- Knit hat (optional for cooler mornings)
- Cotton socks

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Air quality


Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk

  • CO 300.41
  • NH3 3.01
  • NO 0.05
  • NO2 18.68
  • O3 22.17
  • PM10 6.75
  • PM25 3.84
  • SO2 1.21

Sunrise / Sunset

11:58 AM
23:30 PM